University of Alberta

Orfeo (Monteverdi)

Laura Pudwell, Pastore I, Speranza, Esprît infernal
Mireille Lebel, Messaggiera
Catherine Webster, Proserpina, Ninfa
Timothy Shantz, Pastore III, Esprît Infernal, Écho
Colin Balzer, Orfeo
Suzie Leblanc, Euridice
William Hite, Pastore II, Apollo
Olivier Laquerre, Plutone
Ellen Hargis, Mise en scène
Richard Sparks, Chef d'orchestre
Festival of Ideas Orchestra, Orchestre


15 Nov. 2008, Citadel Maclab Theatre, Edmonton sam. @20:00
16 Nov. 2008, Citadel Maclab Theatre, Edmonton dim. @14:00
